Family Party in Santa Ana
Family Party in Santa Ana
Quince in South County, CA.
Quince in South County, CA.
Apple Valley
Apple Valley
Birthday Party in Uyuni, Bolivia.
Birthday Party in Uyuni, Bolivia.
Family Party in Santa AnaAt 10 years old my father tasked me with the family videos. Here is just one of my favorite videos.
Quince in South County, CA.I was hired to take photos of a Quinceañera, I couldn’t help but ignore the quiet scenes throughout the day. Don’t worry I still got the photos they hired me for!
Apple ValleyMy aunts backyard during a family gathering.
Birthday Party in Uyuni, Bolivia.
Birthday Party in Uyuni, Bolivia. I was in a Jeep going 60 MPH with my tour guide. I saw this scene from afar and was struggling to get my DSLR from my backpack, I couldn’t miss the moment and grabbed my iPhone 6 and shot this in passing.
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